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Pastor Jeremy Logan was born and raised in Galion, Ohio, where he grew up and worked on his grandparent’s farm, worked several years in a steel mill, and in construction and home remodeling. After experiencing God’s inward call to the gospel ministry, Jeremy graduated from Bible College in California. In 2004 he returned to Ohio and joined Covenant Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Mansfield where he taught Christian Education regularly and was encouraged by many to continue his education for the ministry. He graduated from Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary in South Carolina and completed an extended internship with his home church before becoming Knox Presbyterian Church’s pastor in 2015.

Dan Donegan and his wife, Barbara, have been members of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church since 2001. They first became members at Covenant OPC in Mansfield, Ohio, where Dan served as a Deacon, prior to becoming involved in Knox Presbyterian Church. Professionally, Dan has worked in the fields of secondary and post-secondary education, counseling, and career development for over thirty years. He has a B.A. degree from the University of New England, a Masters in Counseling from Central Connecticut State University, and a Masters in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.